Thursday, August 30, 2012

Homage to The Expendables 2

The first Expendables is not a bad movie. My score for that is 70 out of 100. Yes, it was a badass movie, but the action was not really that intense or much. Yes, the cameo of Schwarzenegger and Willis was awesome, but it was really short.

Nevertheless, I admitted that the concept is cool. That's why I was excited when I heard they were making its sequel.

Stallone definitely read the critics of his first work. After the first one, he definitely could identify the weakness and shortcomings. That's why I had high expectation for the sequel. My expectation became higher and higher when I heard Schwarzenegger & Willis would expand their role, JCVD was casted as the main antagonist, Chuck Norris would have a role etc. My expectation was sky-high. 

Then I watched the movie.

HALLE-FUCKIN-LUYA, WHAT A RIDE!! If my expectation was sky-high, the real deal is Mars-high!!

The Good
Here is the deal, the first 20 minutes IS THE BEST ACTION SCENE EVER!! Armored cars crashing through the bad guys fortress, mooks blown up by .50 machine gun, Jet Li busts heads, etc. I am in heaven. Really. I am REALLY in heaven. I don't mind to pay DOUBLE the ticket price, watch the first 20 minutes, and watching Stallone, Statham, Lundgren, etc. knitting some socks until the end credit. 

Of course that is not the case. After that mega-awesome first scene, we see the main story where the Expendables kicked tons of asses. By the way, none of the women in this movie are pussies. NONE! Even the villagers gripped their guns and make a stand!! THAT my friend ... is only the tip of the manlyness of this movie. 

Here is another one, we also see Chuck-fuckin-Norris wiped out an entire army single-handedly. That is what happened to ANYONE who piss Chuck Norris. Even Stallone, Lundgren, and their gangs looked in awe when the manliest man on earth walk toward them.

And finally, we also watch Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Willis, and Norris blasted the bad guys together in the final battle. I swear, during that scene, some of the audience's vein were busted because too much blood pumping to their dick!! The men who bring their wife or girlfriend to the theater instantly start going to the business of making new children, and their women screamed Norris' or Stallone's or Schwarzenegger's name, making their men even more energetic!! And I also swear that the cleanladies already sighing and muttered "Here we go again ..." 

YES, this movie is THAT manly.

The Bad
Many will pointed out the plot is too cliché. Hey smartass, YOU MISS THE POINT!! This is the movie about manly men kick ass, not about oscar-winning story!

I really don't give a damn about the bad thinks in this movie, instead in this section I will praise Jean Claude Van Damme FANTASTIC performance as the antagonist, Jean Vilain. He is so badass, he even wear sunglasses INSIDE a cave! He is so badass, that his cliché name is making him even more badass! He is so badass that he kicked the ass of some of the audiences, including mine! His kick is so hard that I lunged from my sit 4 rows ahead. That is an honor ... a great honor.

Scott Adkins also played an excellent "dragon" for Van Dammes "big bad." Many complained that Adkins' character was not needed. Naaah, a good big bad always has at least one loyal and badass dragon.

The Ugly
Gone are "the man with pretty face" which are the norm of modern films. 

Here we got action movie where the manly men doesn't need to be a vampire, or bitten by a mutant spider, or any other BS like we got in modern films. The men's faces are violent, tough, brutal. Aaah ... after the pussification of culture with craps like "Eat Pray Love" or "Twilight" or "Spiderman Trilogy" FINALLY we got the antidote strong enough to reclaim the manlyness of the silver screen!

Maybe you could argue that Liam Hermsworth is a pretty-boy. Hey, he is THE ONLY ONE in this movie, but he is NOT the main character, he admit that the ass-kicking life is not for him, and finally ... JCVD fixed that for us! 

My favorite line:
Schwarzenegger during the final battle: Who's next? RAMBO?

Final Verdict:
100 out of 100. All of the weakness of this movie are irrelevant trivias. This movie kicked serious ass! Don't watch this movie if you are a wimpy pussy who cringed and cry like a baby when some heads were blown and blood were splattered! Now, I can't say it politely since this is too important to be shrouded by political correctness, what I want to say to any male who dislike this movie is FUCK YOU! You are a disgrace to your fellow man!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Amazing Quotes 6: George Carlin

From: Wikipedia
Some great quotes from, IMHO, the greatest stand-up comedian of all time: George Carlin.

"Much more important is to teach children TO QUESTION what they read!! Children should be taught to question everything they read, everything they hear!Children should be taught to question authority!! Parents never teach their children to question authority because ... parents are authority figure themselves, parents don't want to undermine their own bullsh*t inside their household!"

If someone loves you and they leave and don't come back, it was never meant to be. If someone loves you and they leave and come back, set them on fire.“

When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve.“

I'm completely in favor of the separation of church and state. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.“

I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.“

I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a guy nailed to two pieces of wood.“

Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have to wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong.“

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Homage to Punisher: War Zone

Punisher: War Zone is my ultimate "Guilty Pleasure" movie.

By that, I never mean I enjoy Punisher: War Zone as a terrible movie or despite it is a terrible movie. Hell no! This movie is easily on of my Top 10 favorite movie of all time! It is BEAUTIFULLY casted, shot, and directed, how come anyone say this movie is not awesome? Oh yeah, I forget most people are wimps. 

What I mean by "Guilty pleasure" is, I enjoy this movie in FULL AWARENESS that some of my enjoyment come from the fact that this movie showed how the Punisher butcher so many monsters.

C'mon admit it. You also have that joy, usually at the end of the movie, when the good guy finally kill the bad guy. Like in every Die Hard movies. Like in the end of most Schwarzenegger or Stallone's movie. For me, that kind of joy is a guilty pleasure.

The difference between The Punisher and those other movies is: you got that satisfaction from the beginning until the end, not only in the end. If you read his comic, especially the MAX series, you know exactly that every single killing he made induce that "guilty pleasure."  Almost in every chapter, every scene, Punisher is killing or torturing then killing some criminals whose humanity is CLEARLY non existent. This movie has exactly that same tone and atmosphere.

For example, The Punisher track down some junkies who were also parkour addict. The movie showed those junkies just robbed and butchered a shop owner by axing his head. Yup, the movie really showed a dead old man with a big axe on his head. Not to worry, shortly after that, the Punisher ambushed them on a roof. He blew up the first parkour junkie with a rocket, snipe the second one, and interrogate the last one ... before throwing him to a pointy fence, stabbing the junkie's chest from below, and finally the Punisher jumped on his neck! That tone and atmosphere create far superior "guilty pleasure" compare to the joy of seeing Schwarzenegger or Stallone mowed down the antagonist's mooks with big machine gun. If you prefer that kind of "guilty pleasure," don't worry, the Punisher also slaughtered those cannon fodders in over-the-top shoot-out.

Okay, let's begin with the nuts and bolts of this movie. 

The Story
The story is simple: Punisher slaughter a mafia family, Billy Rusotti escaped but his face was screwed, then he hunts the Punisher after freeing his batshit insane younger brother! Anything else are trivial. Many people complained the story is idiotic. Who cares!! This movie is about TONE, and ATMOSPHERE, what kind of story do you expect? The Godfather? Serpico? Silence of the Lambs? Naaah, this movie is too awesome, it never need any good story. NEXT!!

Thomas Jane
From this blog
Ray Stevenson
From this site
The Punisher
I already mentioned that the Punisher is one of my favorite character. In this movie, Ray Stevenson portrait him PERFECTLY! He is physically intimidating, hard like tungsten, but could show his sentimental side. After he killed the wrong guy, he really manned up to his responsibility, and visited the guy's widow, prepared to receive any retribution, even handing her a loaded revolver. In other words: he really got the Punisher's character.

This is in contrast with the previous Punisher: Thomas Jane. Look at him.
1) He is a pretty boy, not a nasty killing machine!!
2) He is a schemer, not a punisher!!
3) He never killed anyone by PUNCHING HIS FACE!!

Hands down, Ray Stevenson IS the Punisher. I am sure if both of them met, before Thomas Jane's Punisher can scheme anything, his head was already ripped off by a punch from Ray Stevenson's Punisher.

The Antagonists
As the main antagonist, we have Dominic West playing Billy Rusotti a.k.a Jigsaw. He is a narcisstic-sadistic-cartoony-douche whose pretty face screwed by the Punisher, burned by anger, but start crying whenever he saw a mirror. Lucky he got a loving brother! (See the next paragraph) I like this villain. I really like it! He is goofy, cartoony, and violent at the same time! But he also love his brother sooo much that he released him from a mental hospital. Speaking about his brother ...

Then we also got Loony Bin Jim alias LBJ alias James, the younger brother of Jigsaw. A psychopathic-high adrenaline-batshit insane-cannibal who eat a male nurse alive. Remember about Jigsaw start crying whenever he saw a mirror? LBJ also loved his brother so much that he broke every single mirror in the vicinity of his brother. Who said a monster couldn't love anyone? 

Speaking about the antagonists ... one of my favorite scene from this movie is when those 2 brothers recruited an army from the darkest part of New York for the final battle. Jigsaw made a speech about "freedom" and "American dream" in front of a gigantic american flag, in front of Chinese triads, Irish mobs, and black gangsters. That was ... SUPERB! Man, I really didn't know whether to be awed or laughed my ass off when I saw that speech for the first time! Now I know. I have to STAND UP and give a SALUTE!! That scene is too awesome to got any other reaction.

The Supporting Casts and Actions
Other than the main casts, the supporting casts are also excellent. Same like Ray Stevenson IS the intimidating Punisher, Wayne Knight IS the resourceful Microchip, and Dash Mihok IS the bumbling detective Soap! 

I also loved the fact that in the final battle, the Punisher used an assault rifle instead of submachine gun like MP5 or machine gun like M60! I always have a soft spot for an assault rifle ...

Oh yeah, he also has a good reason to be alive even after receiving tons of shots from those mobs: he was equipped with dragon skin body armor! Holy shit!

BTW if you are a gun buff, and interested in finding out what kind of guns were used in this movie, check this site!

In the end, this movie is not a financial success. Predictable. Most people are too wimpy, not manly enough to enjoy the Punisher MAX comics, let alone watch this badass movie. No problem, at least I saw ONE awesome Punisher movie.

Final Verdict: 99 out of 100. This film is very enjoyable for me from the beginning until the end. Watch it if you love action, gore, and black humor. RUN FROM IT if you are too wimpy, if blood splattering from decapitated neck makes you scream. You are NOT manly enough to watch this movie!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Harga Saham Facebook

Facebook adalah jaringan social-network di internet yang paling sukses saat ini. Semua orang berpikir Mark Zuckerberg adalah Bill Gates atau Steve Jobs abad 21. Dan semua mimpi itu lenyap saat ini, ketika harga saham Facebook tinggal separuhnya, semua orang bahkan mulai mempertanyakan keamanan posisi Zuckerberg sbg CEO Facebook.

Bingung kenapa ini bisa terjadi? Gini deh, coba anda jawab pertanyaan mendasar ini:

Bagaimana Facebook menghasilkan uang? Bagaimana mereka dapat untung?
Sebuah perusahaan itukan harus menciptakan laba/keuntungan/profit. Memangnya Facebook dapat uang dari mana? Sampai saat ini Facebook mendapatkan uang dari iklan, dan game ... huh?? Memangnya berapa banyak iklan yang bisa dan sudah mereka pasang? Berapa banyak iklan yang bisa mereka pasang sampai pengguna Facebook kesal dan memutuskan pindah?  Jawabannya: TERLALU SEDIKIT.

Facebook juga mencoba menghasilkan uang dg cara menjual data pribadi pemilik rekeningnya. Orang² di amerika yg sadar betul pentingnya data pribadi langsung protes, lembaga perlindungan konsumen di sana langsung melayangkan peringatan, dst. 

Di sisi lain operasional perusahaan Facebook tidak murah. Pengguna Facebook yang makin banyak berarti server yang mereka gunakan harus makin besar, biaya operasionalnya juga makin besar, dst. Yakin bisa untung?

Intinya: Facebook tak punya penghasilan yang berarti sementara pengeluarannya besar. Gak ada penghasilan, gak ada laba. Mungkin Facebook harus mengubah statusnya dari "perusahaan" menjadi "yayasan" yang mengandalkan sumbangan untuk menghidupi organisasinya.

Baca tulisan²nya John T. Reed untuk penjelasan lebih detilnya, dan, kenapa saham Amazon dan Groupon juga BUKAN investasi yang bagus:

Facebook, Groupon, Amazon

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Soekarno and Other Idols

Nobody's perfect. That's why it is a folly to find a perfect person. Nevertheless, some figure are considered to be at least near-perfect, and idolized by millions. People really want to idolize SOMEONE, they even buy it when a student in New York ACTED as if he were a celebrity. Yes, people are THAT desperate looking for an idol.

A good example for "real" idol, unlike that student in New York, is the founding father of Indonesia, Soekarno. Indonesians in millions idolizes him until today. His daughter, Megawati Soekarnoputri, wouldn't have such fame and power if she were not Soekarno's daughter. Her party, PDI-P, wouldn't have a chance to be one of the largest party in Indonesia. His political ideas, marhaenism, is pretty much alive in modern Indonesia. 

The Good
Yes, Soekarno had charisma. He was one of the best orator ever seen by this world. Whenever he spoke, everyone listen. Not because he forced them, but just because his oration was always rousing, interesting, and powerful! 

Yes, Soekarno was also one of the founding father of Indonesia, he played a large role in dealing with the Japanese, coordinating the independence struggle against the Dutch etc, that is also undeniable.

In the end, Soekarno passed away as a broken man, in a house arrest that was initiated by his successor, Soeharto, after a chaotic coup, and show trials that followed it. It was an injustice, and this injustice add more sympathy and charisma to Soekarno's figure.

The Bad
But do people forget that his economic policies were disastrous? Price skyrocketed, large queue sprout up for every single commodities, GDP growth is non-existent, etc.?

Do people forget that his Peraturan Presiden nomor 10 tahun 1959 was practically a regulation for segregation and it had ignited anti-Chinese riots and movement?

You see, Soekarno's flaws were not negligible, they were serious enough to cause famine and misery to millions of Indonesians. They were serious enough to create social riots, and segregation. But so many Indonesians still idolize him until today. That is the main problem.

The Ugly
Like I said in the beginning, Soekarno's rhetorics and ideas are still alive. His erroneous economic ideas that ruined Indonesia in the 1950s and 1960s included. Because those ideas were said by Soekarno, suddenly it has validity in front of so many Indonesians. Can we really judge an idea based on its validity, NOT on who actually said it? 

 Naah, it is impossible. Humans, I myself included, are too gullible and emotional from total rejection of argumentum ad hominem.

The reason for this is simple: so many people at the bottom of their heart never wish for freedom and responsibility. They wish to be guided, to be directed. They wish to have an idol who can give such guidance. That's why they overlook his failures, and in the opinion that no one has the right to criticize him/her. Responsibility and freedom is heavy, it is far easier to give them away, and be guided. It is harder to be singled out "It is your fault!" if you are "only following." Even if other people don't buy it, WE can say that to ourself, absolving us from any guilt.

It is impossible to argue with someone who refuse to think and only want to follow. Compounded that with the fact that so many people also want acceptance, making them avoid debate. As a result, we got blind followers in millions.

GROW UP PEOPLE, Soekarno is not a God, his ideas are not perfect! 

The saddest thing from this is, Soekarno is not the only idol. You can easily find other idols in ANY country, from ANY culture, so many people still prefer the easiness of subservience to the responsibility of freedom ...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Top 10 non-Villain Characters

I already listed my 10 favorite villains, and 10 most hated characters. Time to list my top 10 non-villain favorite characters. So, here they come ...

Copyrighted pic, from wikipedia
10) Duke Nukem
Type: über macho-badass-action hero
From: Duke Nukem video game series
Everybody loves a badass. Duke Nukem is an epitome of badassery. He is politically incorrect, loves to blow up aliens, and acts like a boss. He is an over-the-top parody of the 80s and 90s action heroes and spouted tons of cheesy one liner like:

"Aaaahh ... much better!" (After taking a pee.)

"What am I, a chimpanzee?" (After grabbing a feces.)

"Your face, your ass, what's the difference?" (During a fight with a monster.)

"I got balls of steel!" (Whenever and wherever he like it.)

"America, FUCK YEAH!!" (Before entering the Hoover Dam to kick alien's ass.)

He is an excellent choice to start this list: cheesy, generic in the 90s, but still outstanding, enjoyable, funny, and memorable.

In other words: If you like any action movie character played by Stallone or Schwarzenegger, you will love the Duke!

Cropped Artwork from Boom Comics
9) Darkwing Duck
Type: Egotistical & self-centered superhero
From: Darkwing Duck animated series & Comics
Every superhero has at least one reason to be one. Bruce Wayne saw his parents murdered so he become Batman. Peter Parker felt responsible for the death of his uncle, and fight crime as his personal redemption. Etc.

And we also have Darkwing Duck from Disney. His reason to become a superhero? To fulfill his ego. To get praise. To satisfy his vanity. Yup, his ego is so big that it has its own gravity. His first serious enemy in the series, Taurus Bulba, even ridiculed his ego, mocking his mannerism! Unlike Suzumiya Haruhi though, he satisfied his ego by capturing criminals, and he is really care about everyone, especially those who are close to him.He is the guy whose selfishness benefits everyone around him, so that's make his egoistic rhetorics, decision, and actions so enjoyable!

Another aspect that differentiate him from other superhero, Darkwing is basically an INCOMPETENT hero, because he is both an INCOMPETENT detective, and INCOMPETENT fighter. That's what make the series thrilling. That's why so many villains underestimate him. Boy, that underestimation ALWAYS bite them back in their ass! And every bite is hard and deep. You see, Darkwing actually has potentials. Once you  push him to the edge of a cliff, he would turn into a real badass, signed by his famous one liner "LET'S GET DANGEROUS." After that one liner, he ALWAYS kicked ass!

Oh yeah, one last thing, like IGN pointed out, his sidekick is the parody of Han Solo. Definitely the best cartoon superhero sidekick! Far superior in comparison with the most (in)famous sidekick: Robin or any other sidekick.

Copyrighted pic
from wikipedia
8) Hubert Florentini
Type: Badass cop
From Wasabi Movie
Like I said in #10: everybody loves a badass. Hubert Florentini is an example how the French, the culture that has effeminate aura and language, interpret badassery. Boy, they really showed that they know exactly what is a badass. Check out their badass cop: Hubert Florentini, played by Jean Reno.

Hubert is just like a stereotypical Frenchmen: a hopeless romantic. He always reminiscent of his long lost love: a Japanese woman whom he met when he was young and still in the intelligence service. But in contemporary days, he busts criminal's face so bad that he even send them flying repeatedly. He got into serious trouble after he broke every single bone of the son of a high-ranking police in one of his bust, and when he tried to apologize, he broke even more bones of him. During this time, suddenly he got a phone from a lawyer in Tokyo. His long lost love lawyer. The lawyer wanted him to be present in Tokyo to hear her testament. Once he got there, he discovered he has a 19 years old daughter with her. Shortly after that, yakuzas try to kidnap his daughter. His solution? Kicked their ass, blew their face, and busted their boss. In the end, Hubert wiped out the entire yakuza almost singlehandedly in every corner of Tokyo to the chagrin of Tokyo's Police.

A badass from French kick some ass in Japan? Hubert secured his place in this list easily.

7) Dexter
Type: Serial-killer protagonist
From: Dexter TV series
Meet Dexter Morgan, a blood analyst in Miami Metro Police. On surface he is your Joe average guy. He works hard in the office, occasionally buying donuts for everyone in the force, and most cops like him. Those things are all facades, even to his foul mouthed detective sister. He is actually a psychopath who has to control his urge to kill. His late adoptive father, a police detective named Harry, realize this early, and teach him how to mask that urge, and how to cover his track, teaching him "The Code of Harry."

Don't be mistaken here, he is totally aware that he is a monster. The code of Harry is the only thing that make sure he only kills other monsters. You know, other serial killer, serial rapist, violent gangsters, etc. His facades is not perfect. Some cops suspect he hides something. In season 3, after local oceanographists discovered his mutilated victims at the bottom of the sea, the FBI send their top agents to hunt him. He managed to evade all of that and remains free.

He is also far from "too perfect to exist" character like Sherlock Holmes or Hannibal Lecter.  He made tons of bad decision that cost him dearly, making him more human, making the series far more interesting. We also hear his inner-voices, my personal favorites are whenever he cynically commented to normal situation that baffled him, for example: "It is amazing that I kill no one during high school," making tons of black humor one-liner.

Watch him if you really like a police thriller and black humor.

Copyrighted Works.
From wikipedia

6) Vincent Valentine
Type: demon-vampire-human hybrid
From: Final Fantasy VII Role-Playing-Videogame, Dirge of Cerberus First Person Shooter Video game
This one is very popular. Everyone who play Final Fantasy VII idolizes him. He is the only side character in Final Fantasy VII who get his own game: Dirge of Cerberus. Hey, who don't like this dark-brooding-cool vampire, especially if he has cool red cape!

Other than that, he also another badass abilities like ... transforming into an archdemon who can harvested all souls under the heaven.

But the main reason I put him in this list because I hate Twilight. Vincent Valentine showed us how a dark-brooding-forever young-vampire characters could be SUPER COOL if you handle it right.

What? You think he is not a vampire? Do you forget our first encounter with him? At that ime, he slept IN A COFFIN!! Q.E.D.

In the end, I have to admit all the reasons why I like him are aesthetic reasons. He is so GODDAMN COOL, who cares about his back story, personality traits, etc?

From The-A Team Online
5) Captain "Howling Mad" Murdock
Type:Insane(??) Pilot
From: The A-Team TV Series
Ah The A-Team ... this is a series which neither the bad guys nor the heroes could shoot straight. They sprayed bullets all over the place, none of them hits. BUT I LOVE THIS SERIES! All of the characters are memorable. But my personal favorite is Murdock, the insane pilot. This is the man who sponsor "The League to free golf balls from slavery." This is the man who constantly annoyed B.A Baracus and still alive.

But that crazyness is only one side. He is also a brilliant tactician. When the leader of the group, Hannibal Smith, was captured in one episode, everybody else became desperate. Templeton "Face" Peck, Hannibal's 2nd in command included. It was Murdock who pointed out that the key to everything is the bar where they begun this operation. In the end of the episodes, they stormed the bad guys base, and Hannibal was surprised to hear "What? Murdock is the one who can track me and plan all of these?"

No wonder until today, everyone is still wonder whether he is really crazy or just faking it ...

No wonder until today this character never gets old ...

No wonder he becomes the main inspiration for many comedian, for example Jim Carrey ...

Copyrighted pictures.
From wikipedia
4) Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth:
Type: Senile-amoral-mad scientist
From: Futurama Animated Series
The creator of the Simpson once decided to create a cartoon series, full with geek and nerd jokes. Thus, Futurama was born. Yes, it is funny, and it is even funnier if you have mathematics or physics or engineering background. For example, in one episode in season 6, the writers create A NEW MATHEMATICAL THEOREM and used it as a plot device. Now, where is the idiots who said that Math can't be fun?

From all of the characters in that series, the senile-amoral-mad professor, Hubert J. Farnsworth is my favorite. Since this is a geek series at heart, despite his senility, Farnsworth arguably become the heart of the whole series. Every scene with him just make me laugh so hard until my belly hurt. He is so over the top that you know exactly his amorality is just a joke. 

For example:
When he saw his employees in danger he said "Oh GOD, they need help! But I am already in my pijamas ..." then he fall asleep.

"Good news everyone!" everytime he wants to tell bad news.

"Bad news everyone ..." one time before he told EXTREMELY bad news.

"Oh, I always fear he might runs off like this. Why, why, why, didn't I break his legs?" speaking about his monkey.

Oh yeah, he also sold several Doomsday devices in a garage sale and stated "I suppose I could part with one and still be feared."

With a professor like this, who needs Dr. Evil, Dr. Robotnik, or any other second rate mad scientist?

3) Saito Hajime
Type: Anti-Hero
From: Rurouni Kenshin Anime & Manga
One thing I hate from the Rurouni Kenshin anime: the main character/Kenshin Himura/Hittokiri Battosai's vow not to kill. Great Scott, he never realized that killing some trashes of the world CAN save thousands if not millions! Lucky we have the antidote: his arch nemesis, ex Shinsengumi 3rd division captain, Saito Hajime.

When the series start, Saito was working as a police officer. Unlike Kenshin, Saito kills every evil that he saw. Every single evil. No, their status as a high official couldn't help them. Some of them tried to bribe him. He decapitated them as his response. Now THIS IS the character that we need in this melo-dramatic anime!

Saito is every inch a badass, surviving the turmoil era of 19th century Japan. He fought Hittokiri Battosai repeatedly 10 years before the series began, and earned the nickname "The immortals" because nothing can kill him. Not Battosai, not the Seinan War, not the blind Sword Usui, not Sishio Makoto, not the collapse of Sishio's headquarters, NOTHING could kill him. Looks like he pissed off the god of death so much that they decided to keep him in the mortal world as long as possible.

Oh, lastly, the creator of Rurouni Kenshin himself admitted, that he thought that this character is too scary,  since he made everyone who fought him, except Kenshin and Sishio, looked weak.

Copyrighted pictures.
From wikipedia
2) Frank Castle a.k.a The Punisher
Type: Anti-Hero
From: Punisher:MAX comics & Punisher: War Zone movie
This american character is similar with the previous anime character. They are the antidote for the naive "I swear not to kill a single soul again" hero(es) of their respective world.

There are 3 main fundamental differences between them that makes this American character superior.

First is, although Saito is a lone wolf, he still worked for the government, for the system. The Punisher said "Fuck it" before going totally solo, and kill every evil he met.

Second is, the Punisher is going all-out. He really massacres those evils, and he totally admit that HE HIMSELF is also a monster like his victims, just like Dexter Morgan. Saito still have this "holier-than-thou" mentality emanated from his presence.

Third is, the Punisher managed to show the naive do-gooder how a kill, however terrible is, is sometimes the best choice. When he returned to New York after his long hiatus, he systematically killed the Gnucci's crime family. When Dino Gnucci was released from the prison due to the flimsiness of the prosecutor's case. Castle decided to snipe him down. He was interrupted by the Daredevil who asked him what the hell he thinks when he decide to become judge jury and executioner? Frank paralyzed the blind superhero using ultrasonic loudspeaker, tied him, and give a revolver to his tied hand, aimed to Castle's head while he prepared to snipe. Castle than informed the now conscious Daredevil, either he shot Castle's head, or Castle snipe down Dino's head. The whiny Daredevil screamed like a pussy, the Punisher only answer with "You asked me before what I think when I kill those monsters. I think exactly like what you think now, either I kill that monster, or it kills other people." 

HELL YEAH, finally someone shut those naive superhero up!!

He didn't stop there. In another occasion he blasted Wolverine's balls with a shotgun, and turning Spiderman into a human shield-punching bag, and utilize another anti-hero when Daredevil, Spiderman, and Wolverine decided to gang up on him.

Oh yeah, in case you haven't notice, he doesn't have any super power. He uses his guts, wits, wills, and tons of weaponry to slaughter every criminal he met, to make every naive superhero who try to stop him looks like an outclassed whiny pussy. That my friends ... is badassery in extrimis, securing the #2 spot for this badass anti-hero.

From wikipedia
1) Londo Mollari
Type: Tragic Hero
From: Babylon 5 TV series
Babylon 5 is the BEST TV series EVER produced by humankind on this planet. Period. They have so many memorable lines, so many memorable villains, so many twists and turns, and of course ... so many interesting characters. My personal favorite is Londo Mollari, easily the best non-villain characters ever.

His story is basically a classic story about the dictum "Be very careful with your wish. You may get it," complete with slow realization and epic redemption. By the way, he also has tons of comedic moments too, AND that didn't dilute his tragic tone, or making his character inconsistent. That is one hell of a good example of story telling. 

Let's see ... he started in Season 1 as a diplomat, hungry for glory, frustrated by the weakness and inaction of his own government, and his country was humiliated by another power repeatedly. He was seen by everyone, even his own people, as a buffoon. The fact that his position is considered as a joke among his own people was not helping. Everything change after he finally have enough and blurted his frustration to the wrong guy: the Shadows. First, he finally got everything he want: renaissance of his country, fear from his enemies, and personal power. All beyond his wildest dream in more or less season 3. Unfortunately, at extremely high cost. 

Londo steals all the scene that includes him. That is including all of his scenes with G'Kar, Ivanova, Garibaldi, and many other terrific characters. He is an easy choice for #1.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Resensi Buku: Carnage & Culture

Sejarah menunjukkan selama 300-400 tahun terakhir, negara² Barat mampu mengalahkan, menaklukkan, dan menjajah kekuatan² di Afrika, Asia, dan Amerika. Kenapa hal ini terjadi? Kenapa bukan Cina atau Ottoman atau Etiopia atau kekuatan² lain yang menguasai dunia? Sejarawan militer, Victor Davis Hanson, menjawabnya dengan buku Carnage and Culture-nya ini.

Thesis buku ini sederhana: Negara² Barat berhasil menjadi kekuatan dominan berkat kebudayaan militer yang superior. Perhatikan: Kebudayaan atau kultur TIDAK SAMA dengan bangsa atau ras atau agama. 

Hanson menjabarkan "kebudayaan militer Barat" sebagai kebudayaan yang memiliki hal² berikut:

Kebebasan (Politis dan ekonomi), atmosfer Egaliter, Individualisme, Kemampuan menerima kritik 
Negara² lain biasanya bersifat hirarkikal, dimana raja/kaisar adalah penguasa mutlak yang tak bisa dibantah, yang berada di atas semua orang lain. Individualisme ditekan, semua protes dihukum keras. Xerxes dari Persia misalnya, memutilasi anak seorang gubernurnya ketika sang gubernur MEMOHON padanya agar sang anak tidak dibawa ke medan perang karena sang gubernur butuh sang anak untuk menjaga dan menemaninya. 

Mentalitas mencari pertempuran yang menentukan
Pada umumnya, kebudayaan² Barat lebih memilih konfrontasi langsung, dan menghindari perang gerilya. Ketika keadaan benar² genting, barulah mereka mengandalkan gerilya. Bahkan ketika mereka kalah jumlah, pihak Barat biasanya TETAP mencari pertempuran terbuka, mengadu tentara mereka dengan tentara lawan di medan perang secara frontal.

Citizen Soldier (Warganegara sbg tentara)
Tentara² kebudayaan Barat bertempur sbg warganegara, bukan sebagai budak, bukan sbg tentara bayaran yang mengharapkan uang. Ketika Roma kehilangan banyak serdadu mereka dalam pertempuran Cannae, Roma langsung menggantikan kerugian tsb dg warganegara mereka yang lain. Ketika Kartago kehilangan tentaranya, warga mereka BUKAN penggantinya, dan merekapun menghabiskan uang, energi, dan waktu lebih banyak untuk menggantikannya. Pada akhirnya Roma mengalahkan Kartago karena Roma BISA mengganti kerugiannya dengan lebih mudah, murah, dan efisien.

Titik berat pada infanteri berat
Dari hoplite Yunani, Phalanx Macedonia, dan legiuner Romawi, militer Barat menekankan diri pada infanteri berat. Bukan kavaleri (Mongolia, Arab, Hun, dll) atau infanteri ringan (Aztec, Maya, Inca.) Infanteri berat berarti tentara² tsb harus dilatih secara intensif, memiliki armor yang memadai, dan relatif flexibel. Kavaleri memang memiliki keunggulan di tanah terbuka, tapi kuda itu mahal, jadi militer berbasiskan kavaleri tak bisa menjadi militer egaliter.

Tidak semua inovasi militer adalah buatan Barat. Bubuk mesiu misalnya, adalah penemuan Cina. Namun tetap saja, Baratlah yang pertama kali menggunakan mesiu dengan intensif, efisien, dan menyeluruh. Rasionalisme Barat memungkinkan peningkatan ilmu secara sistematis, penemuan² baru, perkembangan, dan kemajuan exponensial dalam berbagai bidang, termasuk tehnologi dan organisasi militer.

Suka tak suka, tidak ada perang yang gratis. Sebuah negara tak mungkin punya militer yang kuat tanpa ekonomi yang kuat. Negara² Barat adalah penemu dan penerap kapitalisme modern. Bandingkan dengan Turki Ottoman misalnya. Di pertempuran Lepanto antara 2 kekuatan ini, admiral Ali Pasha, menantu sultan Ottoman sendiri, membawa ber-peti² koin emasnya di kapal perangnya. Dia melakukan hal itu sebab dia takut uangnya diambil pemerintah. Kalau admiral tertinggi dan menantu sultan saja memiliki ketakutan tsb, apalagi rakyat jelata? Bagaimana ekonomi bisa berfungsi dengan baik saat tidak ada kepercayaan pada pemerintah? Admiral² Barat dalam pertempuran Lepanto tidak melakukan hal itu sebab mereka percaya, harta mereka di rumah mereka takkan diambil begitu saja oleh junjungan mereka. Itulah yang membuat kekuatan² Eropa yang waktu itu wilayahnya lebih kecil, rakyatnya lebih sedikit, sumber daya alamnya lebih jarang, dll bisa sama kayanya dengan kesultanan Ottoman yang meliputi Mediteran Timur.

Sebelumnya, saya sudah pernah bilang seorang "warrior" BUKAN seorang "soldier." Warrior mengandalkan keberanian, soldier mengandalkan disiplin. Tentara² Barat mengalahkan Warrior² dari kekuatan lain bukan cuma karena keunggulan tehnologi semata, tapi juga keunggulan organisasi, formasi, dan pemilihan posisi yang mustahil dimiliki oleh kumpulan warrior, oleh tentara tanpa disiplin.

Jadi, intinya kebudayaan militer Barat itu berdasarkan pragmatisme yang amoral. Yup, Hanson menyatakan, cara Barat berperang itu AMORAL, militer Barat cuma perduli tentang efektivitas militer mereka, bukannya apakah cara berperang mereka sesuai dengan kitab suci. Dia juga menyatakan, agama Kristen yang pasifis sempat MENGGANGGU budaya militer ini, dan berujung pada melemahnya kekaisaran Romawi, dan dimulainya "Abad kegelapan."

Untuk mendukung argumennya, Hanson menganalisa banyak pertempuran² terpenting dalam sejarah: pertempuran Salamis, Gaugamela, Cannae, Poitiers/Tours, Tenochtitlan, Lepanto, dan Midway, serta 2 perang: perang Zulu dan perang Vietnam. Setiap pertempuran dan perang tsb menunjukkan betapa pentingnya nilai² kebudayaan militer Barat secara holistik, secara menyeluruh.

Para penggemar sejarah akan langsung sadar, tidak semua contoh yang dianalisa Hanson berujung pada kemenangan Barat. Pertempuran Cannae dan perang Vietnam berakhir dengan kekalahan pihak Barat. Di sini Hanson menekankan, kebudayaan militer Barat TIDAK menjamin kemenangan di SEMUA pertempuran dan perang. Pertempuran Cannae adalah bencana militer terbesar yang diterima republik Roma, tapi Roma berhasil mengalahkan Kartago di perang tsb karena Roma memiliki "Citizen soldier" berbeda dengan Kartago yang sepenuhnya menggunakan budak, tentara bayaran, dan tentara² dari suku lain. Untuk contoh perang Vietnam, Hanson menitik beratkan fakta bahwa Amerika Serikat TIDAK PERNAH KALAH dalam 1 pertempuranpun dalam perang Vietnam. Kekalahan di perang Vietnam adalah akibat dari kesalahan strategi yang diperbesar oleh propaganda lawan. Tentu saja ini menimbulkan pertanyaan: "Kalau begitu kebebasan berpendapat juga bisa melemahkan militer?" Yup, Hanson setuju dengan hal itu SAMBIL mengingatkan, kebebasan berpendapat juga yang membuat pihak Amerika bisa mundur dari Vietnam tanpa kehilangan negaranya. Bandingkan dengan Uni Soviet yang kehilangan negaranya setelah mundur dari Afghanistan.

Mungkin anda juga menyadari, 9 hal di atas kini dimiliki oleh kebudayaan² lain. Di sini Hanson juga menekankan, kebudayaan lain boleh memiliki 1-2 hal di atas, tapi tidak pernah kesembilannya secara bersamaan. Ketika mereka berhadapan dengan Barat, perbedaan² itulah yang menentukan, yang memberikan pihak Barat keunggulan militer.

Selain itu, Hanson juga menekankan, semua hal di atas itu harus dilihat secara RELATIF, sesuai dengan masanya, dibandingkan dengan kekuatan² lain. Yunani di zaman Themistocles misalnya, walaupun mereka percaya kebebasan, faktanya mereka juga memiliki, menjual, dan membeli budak. Yunani jaman itu bisa disebut "bebas" dibandingkan dengan Persia, dimana konsep "kebebasan" sendiri tak exist, dimana gubernur sekalipun praktis adalah budaknya sang raja.

Perbandingan dengan "Guns Germs and Steel"
Buku ini sering dibandingkan dengan bukunya Jared Diamond, Guns Germs and Steel. Hanson sendiri terang² menyatakan dia TAK SETUJU dengan thesis buku Diamond tsb, yang menyatakan faktor geografis dan biologis sbg penyebab utama dominasi Barat. Namun, saya sendiri tak merasa kedua buku tsb "mutually exclusive." 

Hanson TIDAK PERNAH membahas darimana asal kebudayaan militer Barat. Dia sempat menyinggung agama Kristen yang bersifat pasifis sempat menghambat budaya militer ini, tapi selain itu dia tidak membahas asal muasal budaya militer Barat. Guns Germs and Steel bisa menjelaskan asal muasal budaya militer ini, setidaknya secara parsial.

Carnage & Culture dan Konsep Khilafah Global
Buku ini sangat berguna ketika kita membahas masalah Khilafah. Kalau Hanson benar, Khilafah TAK MUNGKIN mendominasi negara Barat.

Para penganjur Khilafah biasanya terobsesi dg "Kehormatan" sehingga mengritik sesuatu secara terbuka biasanya berakibat fatal untuk si pengritik. Artinya, mendirikan ulang Khilafah cuma MENGULANG inferioritas tsb. Akibatnya: militer dan masyarakat Khilafah tak mungkin memiliki kebebasan berpendapat. Para penganjur Khilafah juga terus menerus mengumandangkan tentara mereka adalah jihadis, bukannya citizen-soldier. Mereka juga mengekang rasionalisme dengan agama. Terakhir, mereka menolak riba yang merupakan salah 1 prinsip terdasar dalam kapitalisme. Mundurnya Ottoman dan dominasi Barat atas mereka adalah akibat hal² tsb. 

Kesultanan Ottoman mencoba menutupi kekurangan mereka dengan mengadopsi SEBAGIAN inovasi Barat. Mereka mendatangkan ahli² militer Barat, membeli senjata Barat, bahkan membuat tentara mereka mengenakan seragam seperti tentara Barat. Nope, tak cukup. Adopsi separuh² seperti ini malah membuat pihak Ottoman makin lemah: mereka jadi harus mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk semua hal ini, dan mereka gagal membangun militer ala Barat yang mandiri. Mereka tak pernah bisa mengemulasikan kekuatan militer Barat.

Hal serupa terjadi pada Jepang. Negara matahari terbit ini lebih berhasil mengadopsi militer Barat. Mereka bahkan berhasil mengembangkan industri militer yang membangun mesin² perang berkualitas tinggi. Torpedo, kapal terbang, kapal perang, taktik pertempuran laut malam mereka semuanya JAUH lebih baik daripada pihak Amerika Serikat. Namun, begitu Amerika Serikat mencurahkan waktu, tenaga, dan uangnya ke industri militernya, dengan cepat mereka kehilangan keunggulan² tsb. Kapal terbang Zero mereka dg mudah ditembak jatuh Hellcat dan Corsair. Taktik pertempuran laut malam Amerika membaik, dan mereka memiliki radar yang jauh lebih canggih. Kapal perang Amerika juga memiliki sistem damage control, dan pemadam api yang jauh lebih canggih. Inisiatif² pribadi dari opsir² Amerika Serikat berbuah pada inovasi taktik, pemecahan kode Jepang, dll. Intinya: kebebasan, dan kemampuan menerima kritik itu fundamental dalam menciptakan militer yang superior.

Khalifah tak memiliki hal² ini. Kita sudah melihat hal serupa sedang terjadi di Timur Tengah. Militer Israel yang de facto adalah militer Barat mengalahkan militer² negara Arab, HAMAS, FATAH, Hezbollah, dll. Negara² Arab tsb mencoba membeli senjata² canggih dari Rusia, Cina, bahkan negara² Barat, tapi mereka tetap tak bisa mengalahkan Israel. Dominasi Israel di medan perang begitu nyatanya, sampai² negara² arab sekarang menolak menyerang Israel dalam perang terbuka. 

Mari kita berpikir lebih jauh lagi: SEANDAINYA negara² non-Barat mengadopsi budaya militer Barat secara holistik, apakah mereka tetap mau berperang dengan kekuatan² Barat? Pertanyaan yang lebih fundamental lagi yang tidak ditanyakan Hanson secara langsung adalah: Apakah mereka masih bisa dibedakan dari Barat secara kultural? Reformasi militer non-Barat menjadi militer Barat secara holistik berarti reformasi budaya secara keseluruhan. Nope, para penganjur Khilafah takkan mengijinkannya.

Kesimpulan akhir: 
Buku ini amat disarankan untuk orang² yang tertarik memplajari sejarah, terutama sejarah militer, sejarah kultur, dan sejarah perbandingan.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Amazing Quotes 5: Sci Fi Writers

Some of our greatest novels are science fiction novels. It is safe to assume that greatest science fiction writers have been endowed some of the greatest minds among humanities. Here is some great quotes from them (L. Ron Hubbard is an exception, I don't think he is a great science fiction writer):

A Faith that cannot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets.”
-- Arthur C. Clarke, writer of 2001: A Space Odissey, Rendezvous with Rama, etc.

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.“
-- Phillip K. Dick, writer of The Man in The High Castle, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, etc.

"If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them."
-- Isaac Asimov, writer of Foundation Trilogy, Robot Series, etc.

If I am right, then they (religious fundamentalists) will not go to heaven, because there is no heaven. If they are right, then they will not go to heaven, because they are hypocrites.”
-- Isaac Asimov

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.
--Isaac Asimov

As an atheist, I believe that all life is unspeakably precious, because it’s only here for a brief moment, a flare against the dark, and then it’s gone forever.
- J. Michael Straczynski, creator and writer of Babylon 5

You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.“
-- L. Ron Hubbard, writer of Dianetics, founder of Scientology

Take sex away from people. Make it forbidden, evil. Limit it to ritualistic breeding. Force it to back up into suppressed sadism. Then hand the people a scapegoat to hate. Let them kill a scapegoat occasionally for cathartic release. The mechanism is ages old. Tyrants used it centuries before the word "psychology" was ever invented. It works, too.
-- Robert A. Heinlein, writer of Starship Trooper, Stranger in a Strange Land, etc.

You have attributed conditions to villainy that simply result from stupidity.
-- Robert A. Heinlein

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Amien Rais, Jokowi, dan Walikota Terbaik

Amien Rais bilang "predikat walikota terbaik Jokowi itu menyesatkan," buktinya menurut Amien adalah banyak kota yang lebih rapi daripada Solo.

Amien Rais ini sadar gak sih, kinerja seorang pemimpin itu bukan cuma dinilai berdasarkan hasil akhirnya. Kinerja seorang pemimpin itu dinilai berdasarkan PERBEDAAN antara titik awal dan hasil akhirnya.

Sekarang saya tanya, perbedaan Jakarta di awal pemerintahan Fauzi Bowo dan Jakarta saat ini apa? Hmm? Saya benar² heran, sebab saya tak menyangka bisa ada gubernur Jakarta yang membuat Sutiyoso jadi kelihatan bagus. SUNGGUH! Se-gila²nya Sutiyoso, dia masih ADA USAHA untuk memperbaiki Jakarta. Tidak seperti si ahli berkumis penerusnya ini ...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Amazing Quotes 4: Robert Green Ingersoll

Some awesome quotes from Robert Green Ingersoll:

Honest investigation is utterly impossible within the pale of any church, for the reason, that if you think the church is right you will not investigate, and if you think it wrong, the church will investigate you.
--"Individuality" (1873)

Give any orthodox church the power, and to-day they would punish heresy with whip, and chain, and fire. As long as a church deems a certain belief essential to salvation, just so long it will kill and burn if it has the power.
--"Heretics and Herecies" (1874)

All the martyrs in the history of the world are not sufficient to establish the correctness of an opinion. Martyrdom, as a rule, establishes the sincerity of the martyr,-- never the correctness of his thought.
-- The Great infidels (1881)

"This crime called blasphemy was invented by priests for the purpose of defending doctrines not able to take care of themselves."
-- An Interview on Chief Justice Comegys (1881)

Our fathers, some of them, demanded the freedom of religion. We have taken another step. We demand the Religion of Freedom.
--"Myth and Miracle" (1885)

Most of the Christians in his day kept their religion not for every day use but for disaster, as ships carry life boats to be used only in the stress of storm.
--"On Voltaire" (1894)

According to the Bible, God had never revealed himself to these people and he knew that without a revelation they could not know that he was the true God. Whose fault was it then that they were heathen?
-- Why I am an Agnostic (1896)

Ministers say that they teach charity. This is natural. They live on alms. All beggars teach that others should give.
--"The Truth" (1897)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Resensi Buku "The Utility of Force"

Apa sih gunanya militer? Kebanyakan orang menjawab pertanyaan ini dengan jawaban idealis, langsung dari textbook "pendidikan Pancasila":
  • Untuk membela bangsa dan negara!
  • Untuk mempertahankan tanah air!
  • Untuk menjaga harga diri bangsa!
  • dll.

Saya lebih suka jawaban yang lebih kongkrit dan "to the point" tanpa glorifikasi:
  • Untuk membunuh musuh negara.
  • Untuk memberikan ancaman kematian pada musuh negara.
Lebih kongkritkan? Mari kita lanjutkan ke isi buku ini.

Buku "Utility of Force" karangan jendral Rupert Smith ini membahas sejarah aplikasi militer. Beliau menjelaskan secara garis besar ada 2 jenis bentuk perang:
  • Perang industri/industrial war
  • Perang di antara rakyat/war amongst people.
Apa bedanya kedua perang ini? Mari kita analisa, apa saja sih yang harus kita miliki untuk memenangkan sebuah perang? Clausewitz merumuskan hal tsb dalam bentuk sebuah trinitas : kemauan politik (Negara), dukungan rakyat (Rakyat), dan kemampuan militer (Militer). Dari situ kita bisa melihat perbedaan kedua jenis perang ini.

Perang Industri:
"Perang industri" bisa digambarkan dengan diagram di kanan.

Setidaknya 2 negara memiliki kemampuan trinitasnya masing². Militer kedua negara bertempur di medan perang (Panah merah di bawah), sementara politikus kedua negara saling mengajukan tuntutan dan penawaran (panah merah putus² di atas.). Perang industri menitik beratkan pada MILITER. Semua operasi dalam perang industri dimaksudkan untuk melemahkan, menghancurkan militer lawan, sementara segenap kekuatan negara dan rakyat dikerahkan untuk mendukung militer masing².

Itu sebabnya sekutu membom daerah Ruhr dan Tokyo. Mereka hendak melemahkan kapasitas industri yang menghidupi mesin² perang pihak Jerman dan Jepang. Ketika mereka membakar Dresden dan kota² lainpun mereka ingin agar semua rakyat sipil lawan mengungsi ke pedesaan, mematikan semua usaha untuk membangun kekuatan militer.

Perang industri mulai terbentuk setelah revolusi industri menciptakan trobosan tehnologi yang memungkinkan produksi massal senjata, komunikasi antara ribuan orang serdadu yang terpisah ratusan kilometer sekalipun, dll. Perang industri pertama adalah perang Napoleon, yang memperkenalkan 1 trobosan lagi yang fundamental: wajib militer. Mulai saat itu, perang adalah tanggung jawab seluruh bangsa Perancis, bukannya seglintir kaum elitenya dan tentara bayarannya.

Napoleon berkata"Buat apa saya memberitahu lawan cara saya berpikir?" tanya dia balik saat ditanya kenapa dia tak merumuskan ide²nya secara sistematis, membuatnya menjadi sebuah buku. Akhirnya, yang merumuskan semua ide² tsb adalah Carl von Clausewitz dari Prussia/Jerman, dalam bukunya Vom Kriege atau On War.

Intinya, perang industri bisa adalah "perang total," dimana 2 negara mengerahkan segenap kapasitasnya: rakyatnya, industrinya, sumber daya alamnya, segalanya, demi mengalahkan negara lawan. Perang industri semakin jarang terjadi karena perkembangan tehnologi juga: dengan adanya senjata nuklir, perang industri bisa jadi berarti kematian buat semua pelakunya. Karena itulah sekarang ini "Perang di antara rakyat"lah yang lebih sering terjadi.

Perang di Antara Rakyat
"Perang di antara rakyat" jauh berbeda dengan semua itu. Perhatikan diagram di kiri, kali ini "Rakyat" di kedua trinitas tumpang tindih.

Berbeda dengan perang industri, perang di antara rakyat fokus pada RAKYAT, bukan militer. Medan perangnya bukan di perbatasan 2 negara, tapi di tengah² kota. Seringkali, perang ini BUKAN menghadapkan 2 negara, melainkan aktor² non-negara seperti jaringan teroris, gerilya, dll. Medan perang sesungguhnya adalah di "hati dan pikiran" rakyat, dia yang berhasil mendapat dukungan rakyat akan memenangkan perang ini.

"Pertempuran menentukan" tidak akan sebanyak dan sedramatis di perang industri, ini adalah perang untuk menciptakan kondisi, atmosfer, yang makan waktu lebih panjang daripada cuma masalah "tentara siapa menduduki daerah mana" di perang industri.

Dalam perang ini, kedua belah pihak juga akan lebih ber-hati² dalam menggunakan kekuatan mereka. Buat pihak non-negara, hal ini disebabkan jumlah mereka sedikit, mereka takkan bisa mengganti anggota²nya yg tewas dg mudah. Buat pihak negara, korban jiwa juga akan membuat politikus² di ibukota kehilangan dukungan rakyat.

Kondisi Saat Ini
Lalu, apa kritik Smith thd kondisi militer saat ini?

Sederhana, semua militer masih dirancang untuk melakukan perang industri. Mereka memiliki struktur organisasi, perlengkapan, pelatihan, prosedur, dan paradigma perang industri, SAMBIL melakukan "Perang di antara rakyat."

Misalnya, pemerintah AS menghabiskan trilyunan Dolar mengembangkan dan membangun tank, jet tempur canggih, dan artileri berat, padahal semua itu tak berguna dalam perang di antara rakyat. Personil² divisi lapis baja Amerika Serikat adalah contoh lebih spesifiknya. Mereka dilatih untuk mengoperasikan Tank Tempur Utama (MBT) seperti M1 Abrams, tetapi masalahnya M1 Abrams BUKAN senjata yang tepat untuk pertempuran melawan gerilyawan di kota. Akibatnya, mereka akhirnya diterjunkan ke medan perang untuk bertempur sebagai infanteri. 

Smith mengusulkan untuk memodifikasi militer² agar bisa berperang dalam "Perang di antara rakyat." Namun, Smith rasanya terlalu naif ketika dia mengasumsikan risiko perang industri itu amat rendah. Kita sudah melihat masih diperlukannya perang industri ketika Rusia menginvasi Georgia, ketika kita membayangkan skenario ketegangan antara Cina dengan Jepang atau negara² Asia Tenggara atau Korea memuncak menjadi perang, ketika hubungan diplomatik antara Indonesia dan Malaysia memanas, dst. Militer yang dirancang untuk berperang melawan gerilya takkan bisa menghadapi perang industri. Tanya saja tentara Jepang di Manchuria saat mereka menghadapi invasi Uni Soviet di bulan Agustus 1945.

Mari kita kembali ke awal artikel ini, fungsi militer adalah membunuh musuh negara. Fungsi ini hanya bisa dijalankan dengan baik di saat "MUSUH NEGARA" teridentifikasi dengan baik. Ketika "musuh negara" tak bisa dipisahkan dengan non-musuh, aksi militer tidak akan membawa manfaat untuk negara pemiliknya. Karena itulah saya berpendapat polisi dan jaringan intelijen lebih tepat untuk dijadikan ujung tombak dalam perang melawan teroris. Kedua organisasi ini memiliki paradigma, prosedur, dan pelatihan untuk mengidentifikasi "musuh negara." Militer bisa membantu mereka di banyak kesempatan, misalnya dengan mengoperasikan Predator Drone untuk membom sarang teroris yang sulit dijangkau, atau ketika para teroris memutuskan untuk memulai perang terbuka, tapi militer yang dirancang untuk perang industri tidak tepat menjadi inti dari perang melawan teroris dan gerilya.

Akhir kata, buku ini wajib dibaca untuk orang² yang tertarik pada sejarah militer, orang² yang tertarik untuk mengkritisi "Perang melawan teror," dan orang² yang menggeluti politik luar negeri.

Catatan: Kedua diagram di atas adalah buatan saya sendiri. Silahkan menggunakannya, cantumkan saja saya sbg sumbernya.