Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Prank Calls: Australian Style?

I don't pay any attention to the so called "Royal family." What's so important about them? Nothing! Nada! Zilch! If Kate Middleton suddenly gave birth to 10 children at once, it won't affect my life or your life at all!

But when suddenly a pair of DJs from 2DayFM from Australia prank-called Kate Middleton's hospital, somehow my blood started to boil. When the nurse who receive the call hanged herself, I was enraged, but I couldn't pointed out WHY.

Then I read this article from Yahoo news and the comments below it. Then I got it. When I got it, I am enraged beyond comprehension. This is not about the royal family anymore. This is about treating other person decently.

First, nobody with BRAINS OR CONSCIENCE will prank-call a hospital! Hey idiots, do you know that hospital-jobs are one of the most stressful type of jobs? The nurses there have to handle diverse situation, many of them are very risky. They also have to do menial but undesirable jobs like ... cleaning the urine and feces of the patients. Oh yeah, they also have to give BAD NEWS to the relatives of their patient, can you imagine that? You can start helping them by NOT GIVING THEM ANY BULLSHIT!

Second, this incident is actually only the tip of the iceberg. Previously, the station already forced a 14-years old teenager to confess that she was raped. They also forced a poor mother with 4 disable kids TO ARGUE on-air! They even had the nerve to threaten to separate a woman from her niece, whom she never met FOR YEARS, even though at that they time was separated only by a door! Conclusion: you can argue that the DJs are just ignorant, but, the station on the other hand ... are run by sociopaths who don't have any conscience. They just LOVE to abuse people mentally on-air and receive all the ratings. They are a bunch of sadists, who humiliate people to get money. They are the lowest of the low.

Fortunately, many were extremely pissed by these douchebags. Fortunately, the free market kick these arse by wiping 46 million Dollar from their stock price. Nice. That means not only the Djs, the station themselves actually received some backlash. Too bad it is still far from proportional. The DJs received death threats after their stunt. C'mon folks, don't sink to their low. Forced them to work as a nurse in a busy hospital for a year, that will teach them EMPATHY. Especially the male DJ. The female DJ, Mel Greig, AT LEAST looks like a mess, and crying. That is a sign of empathy. While the male DJ, Michael Christian, still looks smug and pissed. But I could be mistaken. Maybe he just don't have any clue how to show remorse. Let both of them worked as nurses to repent for their mistake. As for the radio station ... they should pay Saldanha's family several millions. 

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