Monday, February 11, 2013

7 Deadly Sins

"Seven Deadly Sins" is one of the most prominent things from Christianity, although it is never written in the Bible. It is an interpretation of the Bible, and I have to admit, it's a good one ... and confirm that the Bible is a horrible book in general. Why so? Just check those sins:

Mostly interpreted as: excessive libido. 
More concretely interpreted as: No pornography! No masturbation! Missionary is the only acceptable position! Heck, maybe the "no condom" rule also stem from this one!
For me it is: The church tries to control the sexual life of the people.
Yes, excessive libido is bad, yeah we get it. And? Suddenly they try to CONTROL our sex position? So the logic goes like:
1) Excessive libido is bad!
2) Therefore we can rule how you position yourselves during copulation!!

So ... let me guess, " "having fun" or "be creative" during sex" is equal to excessive libido?  I tell you, these guys are CONTROL FREAKS. And no, "these guys" are not limited to the Catholic church. I know TONS of Protestant church that has the same mentality. It is not about the danger of uncontrolled sex, it is about THE CHURCH CONTROLLING OUR SEX LIFE!! It is about the church forcing you not to enjoy one of the most basic activity in life!

Mostly interpreted as: excessive eating
More concretely interpreted as: Surprisingly, I can't figure it out ...
For me it is: Seriously, I don't know. Looks like they miss this one.
Seriously, after trying to control our sex life, looks like the church back down at this one. I don't know any bad rule based on this "sin." Maybe I were wrong and those clerics as not as bad as I thought? NAAAAH, wait till you see the next one.

Mostly interpreted as: excessive desire.
More concretely interpreted as: Be charitable! Donate 10% to your church! No, not other church, not other foundation, MY CHURCH FIRST!
For me it is: Ordering you to give money, while threatening you with eternal torture, FROM MORAL HIGH GROUND!!
YEAH BABY, I love how the church exploit this sin! Religion is the only way to looks righteous even after you scare other people shitless with your bullcrap, get tons of money from it, and even got people's thanks! Have I mentioned to you that the church look righteous even after doing this ass-pull? No wonder religion still alive today, there is always a weasel who see this and use it to get your money ... and political support!

Mostly interpreted as: laziness.
More concretely interpreted as: You must praise the Lord all the times!
For me it is: SICK SICK SICK!!
How low can you go? For the church, "Demanding YOU to lick their imaginary friend's buttock 24/7" low. NAAAAH, they can go lower. Just check the next sins!

Mostly interpreted as: Uncontrolled anger.
More concretely interpreted as: Thou shalt be full of forgiveness!
For me it is: Good ... but a double standard.
This rule is actually very good. Anger could be used to our advantage, but uncontrolled anger almost always lead to misery and regret. The problem is, the Bible itself REPEATEDLY wrote about "The wrath of God." So ... "follow what I say but not what I do"? So ... God asked us to follow a moral guidance that HE HIMSELF can't follow? Hypocrites.

Mostly interpreted as: excessive desire, 
More concretely interpreted as: the #10 commandment from the 10 Commandments
For me it is: YAY! More excessive rule from the same control freak! BOY, I REALLY ENJOY THIS!
The 10 Commandments are horrible laws. Individually, some of them are good. As a set, they are the product of a barbaric age. Seriously, which omni-benevolent & omni-potent ruler FORGET to say "thou shall not enslave" and "thou shall not genocide" but remember to put "thou shall remember that the 7th day is MY DAY!"?? 
After some thought, the #10 rule is the worse of them all. Hey, let me tell you something, NOBODY CAN FOLLOW THAT RULE!! Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY can be totally free from envy. Here is a fundamental rule of a good law: make a law that PEOPLE CAN OBEY!! Ratifying an impossible law only makes the writer looks stupid ... oh I forget, that is not the case. They already get away with asking people to lick "the writer"'s bottom 24/7, looking stupid is the least of their concern. Silly me. NEXT!! (More on this in the conclusion part.)

Mostly interpreted as: Egoism, Arrogance, Self-Centered-ness.
More concretely interpreted as: Don't be arrogant! Remember about others!
This sin is considered as the highest one, the source of all sin. Same like many previous sins, excessive pride is really dangerous. But the church actually try more than curtail excessive pride. They remind you that YOU, individuals, are beneath God, beneath the church! YOU have to remember to give your 10%. You have to remember to praise Him all the time. You have to shut your mouth whenever your mind speak against the representation of God in this world, the church. 
To me, this is the sign of the ultimate arrogance. The people who say that they represent God in this world say that Pride is bad? The people who claim to KNOW WHAT GOD HATE claim that pride is a sin? The people who repeatedly equate their position with GOD and those against them "against God" want to lecture me about how bad "pride" is? Appalling!

You see the trend? The church picks a normal, very human feeling, exaggerated how bad it is, and label it as a "SIN" without putting the word "excessive" in front of them. Why they do that? Simple, the same reason they put the #10 commandment:

Yes, since those are very humane emotions, it is a no-brainer. EVERYONE has done it at least once in their lifetime. Like I said before, ordinary impossible law only makes the writer looks stupid, but this is not ordinary law, this is God's laws! So instead of making the writer looks stupid, it will make everyone feels guilty. This is one of the oldest trick in mind-control: make your target feels guilty. "Guilt" will make people more vulnerable to b.s. like religions, religious laws, and religious clerics.


  1. jadi menurut lo, bro. 10 perintah Allah itu tujuannya apa? kalo pendapat gua sih, supaya manusia ga nyimpang dari jalannya Tuhan. itu menurut gua, cuman kalo gua liat kok, lo lebih condongnya ke kebebasan total gitu, jadi tak ada kontrol - Steven Wongso -

  2. "jadi menurut lo, bro. 10 perintah Allah itu tujuannya apa?"
    -> Menciptakan rasa bersalah, mengendalikan massa. Ingat², bukan cuma hukum #10 yang FUBAR, 2 perintah PERTAMA dari 10 hukum Tuhan itu intinya "DILARANG PINDAH AGAMA!!" Inget juga "Jangan membunuh" aja cuma kebagian #6, sementara "jangan memperbudak" malah gak kebagian tempat sama sekali. Prioritasnya kerenkan?

    "cuman kalo gua liat kok, lo lebih condongnya ke kebebasan total gitu, jadi tak ada kontrol "
    -> Itu gara² kita semua sudah terlalu menginternalisasi mind-controlnya para control freak agama :) Inget, gwkan bilang, gw bakalan angkat topi kalau di 10 hukum itu Tuhan menulis "jangan menggenosida" dan "jangan memperbudak," tapi hei, itu ternyata gak terlalu penting buat Yahweh!

  3. Benernya sih, Cel. gua juga curiga, yang mengenai pembantaian Yerikho. Jadi kok kayak agama Kristen itu adalah agama anarkis dan Yahweh ga seneng ama bangsa laen selain Israel dan Palestina tentunya karena mereka satu bapak

    Pendapat lo gimana mengenai ini, Cel? btw, gua belom ngomongin ini ama Armand

  4. Ha ha ha, itu dia, gimana mau melarang genosida, Yahwehnya sendiri ber-kali² memerintahkan genosida!

    Gw paling males sama agama itu soalnya mereka selalu bilang "Tuhan memerintahkan kamu ..." bukannya "Saya memerintahkan kamu ..." padahal mana buktinya Tuhan memerintahkan begitu? Buktinya cuma omongan itu "nabi" doang. Bullshit, kalo gak bisa berargumen ngaku aja gak usah bawa² nama Tuhan.

  5. Kalo gitu, dasar dari sebuah agama itu apakah FEAR, GUILT, ANXIETY dan lain sebagainya?

    Dan memegang agama itu malah bukannya hilang itu FEAR, GUILT, ANXIETY dlsb. Gua jadi bingung, mao megang apa, tapi kalo gua sih tetep megang Buddha, karena menurut gua, ajarannya masuk akal, walaupun sejarahnya itu penuh darah. Mereka ga ada memakai kata2 Tuhan dan tidak ada "Tuhan memerintahkan kamu..."

    Tapi gua sependapat ama elo, mengenai agama dari suku Yahudi dan Arab ini. Kalo liat dari sisi ini, yah sepertinya TUHAN YHWH, bener2 cuman memihak keturunan dari Abraham / Ibrahim aja, yang lain ga dipeduliin.

    Nah yang gua bingung, kenapa dia ga berkahin anak cucunya Adam dan Hawa, kenapa cuman Abraham doang, kok kayak pilih kasih gitu. Lucu emang

  6. dengan catatan adalah, ADAM dan HAWA adalah manusia pertama di dunia yang dimana gua ga percaya sama sekali. Karena kalo ADAM dan HAWA adalah manusia pertama di dunia, kita semua adalah HASIL INCEST

    Dulu pernah nanya gua mengenai ini, sama guru agama gua, dia malah marah dan kasih nilai 6 di raport gua

    Dan gua ingat dulu pernah baca, bahwa pemberian anestesi (morfin) pada waktu melahirkan itu DILARANG oleh gereja karena itu menyalahi dosa awal kita sama Tuhan.

    Kok tema ini mirip dengan temanya Assassin's Creed yah. Templar itu gereja / order, Assassin itu orang awam / kebebasan tapi bukan chaos
